Member-only story
Hazrat Ali (R.A)
The Life and Legacy of Hazrat Ali R.A :
The Lion of Allah
Hazrat Ali R.A was a revered companion, scholar, and warrior who was a cousin and son-in-law to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Hazrat Ali R.A was born in Mecca, that is 599 AD; His adopted father, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, raised him and was one of the earliest disciples of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Main Achievements
1. Companion of the Prophet: He fought by the side of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in the wars. 2. Translator of the Quran and hadiths: Translator of Quran and hadiths. 3. Correctly Guided Khalifa: Fourth Correctly Guided Khalifa (656-661 A.D.). 4. Promoting Justice and Equality: Defended the cause of the poor and needy.
Character Traits
1. Dedicated to the Prophet (peace be upon him)
2. Courageous in the battlefield.
3. Wise and scholar
4. Faithful and merciful
5. Modest and devoted to God
The Teachings and Writings of Hazrat Ali R.A are also very relevant to the world: